Struggles of Parenting: Dealing With “Destructive” Behavior
Parenting has become tough in this technology and gadgets-equipped era but it becomes harder if your kids have destructive behavior. First of all, there is a need to know why some kids are more into destructive behaviors.
Why Are Some Kids into Destructive Behaviors?
Remember Impulsive, destructive kids aren’t always disobedient. They’re smart, creative, hands-on thinkers who just need a little direction. So be relaxed, you are not raising a monster, and there are several parents in the same boat. There is a need to know the reason for their destructive behavior first; you have to know the stimulator that causes them to be in destructive behaviors.
Be a part of your children’s lives and learn more about them. Find out how he spent his day in school and what bothers him. These things will help you connect with him.
How to Deal with the Kids with Destructive Behaviors?
The following tips will help you deal with the destructive behaviors of kids.
1- Try to Prevent
If your child shows such personality traits, punishing and scolding will not help instead it may further worsen the situation. The best way to put a stop to such behavior is to prevent it. Keep an eye on the triggers. Don’t put your kid in such a situation that he can throw a tantrum.
2- Accept Your Child’s Individuality
Even siblings are not similar in habits and behaviors. So don’t expect that your child will behave like others. If your child is more active than other children, you should not sulk or crib about it; instead, you should plan for activities that may help in positively channelizing your child’s energies.
3- Don’t Criticize Much and Keep Encouraging
Don’t allow anybody to criticize your child’s individuality. You should also accept your child’s uniqueness and discourage the people who question your child’s individuality. Keep encouraging him on good things. When destructive toddler tantrums become a regular phenomenon, you may feel, but remember reinforcing good behavior is the key. Instead of focusing on negative attitudes, praise the good behaviors.
Wrapping Up
Kids’ destructive behavior can be a huge challenge for parents. But by using techniques from behavioral therapy, and following the above-mentioned tips, parents can change the way kids react to situations and things. If you are facing severe destructive behavior in kids then you must contact a child psychotherapist.